Randolph Dream Group Meets May 10

Past event
May 10, 2016, 6 to 8 PM

Randolph Dream Group

Tuesday, May 10th, 6 - 8pm
Kimball Public Library Young Adult Room (downstairs)
67 North Main Street, Randolph.

Our dreams want to be noticed. They want us to know that we are loved... not for what we do, or what we look like, or where we live. We are loved simply because we are who we are… human, with moments of light and darkness, joy and despair.

As we share our dreams with each other, we create sacred space, a place in which we can learn how to receive love.
We invite you to join us as we witness the wisdom of our dreams.

Facilitated by Cynthia & Hugo Liepmann
Free. New members are always welcome.

Questions? Email me at above address or call 802-565-0064

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