Hinesburg Development Review Board Meeting Agenda
Town Office – Lower Level Conference Room
7:30PM - Tuesday, May 3, 2016
1. Agenda Changes
2. Estate of Arlene O’Neil: Preliminary and Final Plat Review for a three-lot subdivision of a 235-acre property located on the west side of Leavensworth Road and the south side of O’Neil Road in the Agricultural Zoning District. Lot 3 would be 6.75 acres and include a proposed house-site for a four-bedroom single family residence. Lot 4 would be 13.11 acres and include a proposed house-site for a four-bedroom single family residence. Lot 5 would be 215 acres and continue to be used for agricultural purposes. Hearing continued from 4/19/16.
4. Hinesburg Center, LLC/David Lyman Phase II: Preliminary Plat Review for the 46 acres of undeveloped property commonly referred to as Hinesburg Center Phase II. The preliminary plat application includes 25+ lots, 69 dwelling units, 13,400 sq. ft. of commercial space and open/green space. Property Location: west of Kinney Drugs and north of Farmall Drive in the Village and Agricultural Zoning Districts. Hearing continued from 10/6/15.
5. Torry & Daniel Tucker: Sketch Plan Review of a two-lot subdivision of a 2.16-acre property located at 56 Pond Road in the Rural Residential Zoning District. Lot 1 would be 1.16 acres and include the existing barn, which will be converted into a house. Lot 2 would be 1.0 acre and include the existing house.
6. Gary & Mary Thibault: Sketch Plan Review for the revision of a previously approved six-lot subdivision located to the southwest of the Burritt/Baldwin Road intersection in the Agricultural Zoning District. Lot 1 would be approximately 4 acres and include the existing building envelope. Lot 2 would be remaining 10+ acres and would be used either for agricultural purposes or include a second house site.
7. Other Business:
- News/Announcements
- Correspondence received
- Dawn & Kevin Francis: 6 month Extension of Sketch Plan Approval (Decision 11/3/15)
- Estate of Arlene O’Neil, 2-lot Final Plat: Decision Deliberation – hearing closed on 4/19/16
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