Plant and Book Sale - Friends of Cutler Memorial Library

Past event
May 20, 9 AM to 3 PM, May 21, 2016

Time to start thinking about/preparing for the annual plant and book sale at the Cutler Memorial Library in Plainfield, sponsored by Friends of the Library. This year's sale will be on Friday, May 20th, from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., and on Saturday, May 21st, from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. We welcome donations of both plants and books! We would also welcome your help on the days of the sale.

If you have plants you would like to donate, you should pot them up two weeks in advance - that is, sometime next week - in order to give the plants time to establish themselves in their containers. If you need pots for your donations, you can use any of the plastic pots behind the library. Please bring plants to the library starting Tuesday, May 17th, thru Thursday, May 19th. If you have books to donate, they can be dropped off at the library during open library hours. (Please, no text books, encyclopedias, Readers Digest condensed books, or moldy books.)

For additional information, or to volunteer to assist on the days of the sale, contact Joyce Fowler at 454-8306, or Laura Zeisel at 454-1418.

P.S. - Snow? Think of it as as a soil enhancer for your perennial plants!

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