2016 Spring Grow It! Workshop for Garden Leaders
Montpelier, Vt. – April 28th
Presented by Vermont Community Garden Network in partnership with Charlie Nardozzi
Join community and school garden leaders from your region for this workshop focused on exploring strategies for recruiting and engaging gardeners and volunteers. Learn strategies to boost your garden programs, share stories and ideas, and celebrate this growing movement.
Where and When
The spring workshop in Montpelier is Thursday, April 28, from 4:00-7:00pm, including a hearty snack. The workshop will take place at North Branch Nature Center at 713 Elm St., Montpelier, VT 05602.
Registration is $35 per workshop. VCGN members are eligible for discounted registrations. Learn about the VCGN membership program and sign up before you register for the workshop to receive your discount at http://vcgn.org/membership/ . Sliding scale option also available upon request.
Please pre-register. For a list of all 7 Grow It! locations and dates across the state, more detailed workshop info, and online registration go to: http://vcgn.org/what-we-do/growit . Questions? Call (802) 861-4769.
Professional development certificates for workshop attendance available upon request.