On Friday, May 6, VT Elite AAU Basketball will be holding its annual Calcutta fundraiser from 6:30-9:00 at the St. Johns Club in Burlington. Tickets are $50 and included in the ticket are a great meal as well as entry into the Calcutta raffle with a grand prize of $500. The Burlington VT Elite AAU currently has 8 teams (boys and girls), with 46% of players receiving scholarships. Come enjoy friends, food, drink and the sunset while supporting your local youth basketball players!
Please note that this is an adult only event with a cash bar.
Thanks and hope to see you there.
Jan 25, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
Grief & Rage Ceremony | Other Ways of BeingJan 26, 2025, 2:30 to 9 PM
Vermont Day School Open HouseFeb 1, 2025, 10 AM to 5 PM