LEDC PRESENTS WORKSHOP ON HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT BOOKKEEPING SYSTEM FOR YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS MORRISVILLE – “Nobody but nobody ever decided to go into business for themselves because they could hardly wait to keep their books!: - John Mandeville Keeping accurate and up-to-date financial records for your business is without a doubt one of the most important aspects of starting and running a successful business. Unfortunately, many new and even seasoned business owners spend little time in selecting, setting up and utilizing a bookkeeping system that suits their business and their personal abilities and requirements. Many also decide to leave all this to someone else. Some do so because they suffer from “math anxiety” and some simply underestimate the importance of tracking and understanding the numbers their businesses generate.
This workshop will introduce you to some of the options open to all businesses from the most common computer-based system, Quick Books, to Peachtree, a simple Excel spreadsheet, and what is usually called a manual One-Write system. Also covered will be some explanation of what you are looking at when using the most common system and the one preferred by most accountants, Quick Books. Using any system to its greatest value to you and your business entails much more than just data entry, producing invoices, accounting for deposits, etc. Some of the things that Quick Books can do for you including producing monthly Profit & Loss statements, Balance Sheets, Aged Receivables and more will also be covered in this workshop. An extended question and answer section will allow all attendees to find out even more directly from the experts.
The presenters, accountants Julie Marckres, CPA and Deb Verzilli, CPA from Marckres Norder & Company, Inc. in Morrisville, each have over 20 years experience in the field. Come listen, watch and learn. Your business will thank you!
The workshop will take place on May 17th from 9 am to noon in the Community Room at Green Mountain Technology and Career Center in Hyde Park. The cost to attend is $49 and pre-registration is required. Please visit www.vtsbdc.org and click on TRAINING to register and pre-pay on line or email or call Vicki Blanchard at dblanchard@vtsbdc.org , 802-728-9101. For more information call John Mandeville at 888-5640.
Vermont Small Business Development Center is a partnership program with the U.S. Small Business Administration. The support given by the U.S. Small Business Administration through its funding does not constitute an expressed or implied endorsement of any of the co-sponsors’ or participants’ opinions, products or services.
Contact: John Mandeville
Lamoille Economic Development Corporation
Phone (802) 888-5640
Fax (802) 851-1136 P.O. Box 455
Morrisville, VT 05661