Green Up & Bulk Trash Day 2016

Past event
May 7, 2016, 8 AM to 12 PM

If you are volunteering at a location in town that needs green up please call the Town Clerk's Office at 479-2673 and let us know where you will be working. Green bags are now available for pick up at the office. Green up day volunteers will be provided snacks and drinks.

The town will accept the following Bulk Trash Items at our Town Garage at 144 Richardson Road from ORANGE RESIDENTS ONLY.
Large Trash items such as, but not limited to mattresses, carpeting, furniture (wood & plastic), plastic toys, pool liners, home demolition materials, porcelain fixtures, tires and scrap metal. WE WILL NOT accept: household trash, hazardous waste, paint cans, refrigerators, freezers, A/C units, electronics, concrete, bricks or shingles.

Bulk Trash Disposal Fees: $20 per truck load, $40 per truck & trailer, $10 per car load.
Tire Fees: $3.50 per car tire with or without rims (13"-16"), $6.00 per truck tire without rims (16.5"-24"), $8.50 per truck tire with rims (16.5"-24"), $75 per heavy equipment tire (24.5" & Up)

Any questions or concerns feel free to contact the office at 802-479-2673

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