Camp Ta Kum Ta Fund Raiser

Past event
May 21, 2016, 9 AM to 3 PM

Let's PACK FOR CAMP, Camp Ta Kum Ta that is. This camp if FULLY funded by DONATIONS and is for children with cancer. Please help by Dropping off your donations to the Family Hairloom parking lot 5/21/16 and Pack That Truck!. Some items they are looking for include: Jewelry making supplies, balloons, pool toys, office supplies, new white t-shirts for tie dying, rakes, hand soap, figure/hockey skates (used are fine.), painting canvases, acrylic paint, sun screen, tennis balls and much more! For complete list visit You can drop off early donations to any Allen Lumber location or the Family Hairloom on the Barre-Montpelier Road. Let's help these kids have a great week where they can think of something other than being sick. Contact me if you need further information, and hope to see you on May 21.

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