Face to Face, Heart to Heart
April 28, 2016
6:30 – 8:30
The Sharon Academy (TSA) Middle School
There are many messages about sex and sexuality in our culture. During this evening’s discussion, we will think together about ways of exploring and discovering those messages in a positive, healthy way.
Panelists include:
Lucia Jackson, TSA parent, minister and leader of Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education Curricula
Ana Ocasio, TSA alum ‘06 Planned Parenthood Educator
Cindy Pierce, author of Sexploitation: Helping Kids Develop Healthy Sexuality in a Porn-Driven World parent educator and comic storyteller (http://cindy-pierce.com)
Paul Sawyer, TSA parent, minister and leader of Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education Curricula
Current TSA students
Contact Christa Wurm for more information - cwurm@sharonacademy.net