Potluck Supper and Program on Peacemaking in Guatemala

Past event
Apr 26, 2016, 6 to 7:30 PM

The community is invited to a Potluck dinner and presentation on Tuesday, April 26 at 6 p.m. in Bailey Hall at the Federated Church of East Arlington on Ice Pond Road by Gloria Vicente of Global Ministries. Gloria will share information about her important and on-going work in Guatemala where she works through the Christian Ecumenical Council of Guatemala on peace and reconciliation issues. Gloria was raised in Chicago where her parents arrived as refugees from Guatemala in 1986 as part of the Sanctuary Movement, fleeing the persecution and murder of more than 30 members of Gloria's father's family. Plan to bring a dish to share for this informative evening. Phone the church office at 802-375-2548 or email ksclark58@yahoo.com for additional information.

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