The Calais and E. Montpelier Historical Societies will hold their annual potluck and sugar on snow on Monday, April 18, with the potluck stating at 6 PM. Sugar on snow will be served for desert. Donations will be collected to cover the cost of the syrup and donuts.
There will be brief business meetings of each Society following the sugar on snow.
The program for the evening is Hobbies and collectables, so bring any items you wish to share, for discussion.
This is always a fun evening, and all are welcome. We welcome new members.
Gail Graham
Calais Historical Society
Feb 20, 2025, 7 to 8 PM
Jackie Wheeler for BUUSD on 802 ScoopFeb 21, 2025, 12 to 1 PM
Annual Chili Cookoff with Open MicFeb 23, 2025, 2 to 4 PM