Hinesburg Selectboard Meeting Monday

Past event
Apr 18, 2016

The Hinesburg Selectboard will meet Monday, April 18th, at 6:35 p.m. in the Main Hall of the Hinesburg Town Hall (10632 VT Route 116). The agenda for the meeting is:

1. Call to Order (6:35PM)
2. Public comment (6:35PM)
3. Additions/Deletions to the Agenda (6:40PM)
4. Consider Approving 1st Class Liquor Licenses* (6:40PM)
5. Consider Approving the Purchase of Equipment and Materials for the Highway Department (6:45PM)
6. Consider Proposed Alignment Change for the Village North Sidewalk (7:00PM)
(Commerce Street to Riggs Road)
7. Consider Approving Wastewater Allocation for the Old Police Station/Lyman Homestead (7:25PM)
8. Discuss the Proposed Vermont Gas/Geprags Park Pipeline Easement and Agreement (and process)
9. Discuss the Environmental Court’s Decision Regarding Hannaford (8:25PM)
10. Discuss Proposed Changes to the Water, Wastewater Use, and Wastewater Capacity Ordinances
11. Town Administrator’s Report (9:25PM)
12. Selectboard Forum (9:30PM)
13. Consider Approving the Warrants (9:35PM)
14. Consider Approving the Minutes of 04/04/16 (9:40PM)
15. Adjourn (9:45PM)

*The Selectboard will be acting as the local Board of Liquor Control for #4.

All times are approximate, and subject to change. Please also note the change in start time. The meeting agenda and materials are available on the Town's website (http://www.hinesburg.org/select.html; scroll towards the bottom). Selectboard meetings are broadcast live on VCAM's cable access channel and online (http://www.vermontcam.org/series/hinesburg-selectboard). Questions and comments may be submitted via email (selectboard@hinesburg.org) during the meeting.

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