Students currently in 4-6th grade* are invited to participate in Rice's High School for a Day (HS4D) program on Monday, May 16. HS4D is a unique opportunity for elementary school students to familiarize themselves with Rice, our faculty and students. Participants customize their HS4D schedule by choosing from a variety of hands-on activities specially-created to highlight Rice's classes, clubs, and sports. This year's program offerings include:
Origami Geometry
Animal ID
Science Lab: Making a Crystal Ball and more...
Poetry Writing
Song Selections from Rice's production of "Once Upon a Mattress"
Welcoming the Stranger: Service in Action (blanket-making for Vermont refugees in Campus Ministry)
Scholars' Bowl
Digital Imaging Lab: Painting with Light
Stunt Nite: What is it? And, how can I do that?
Model UN
Rice Around the World - Visit with Rice's international students
Mini-Pep Rally
Due to space limitations, we are able to accommodate just 75 students. This program fills up fast! RSVP at by May 2 to reserve your child's spot. For more information, contact Christy Bahrenburg at (802) 862-6521 ext. 235.
* After May 2, the program will be opened up to 7th graders as space allows. Email to add your child's name to the 7th grade waitlist.
Mar 12, 2025, 10:30 AM
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