N.E. VT Energy Action Roundtable

Past event
Apr 27, 2016, 5:30 to 8 PM

N.E. Vt. Energy Action Roundtable
When: Wednesday, April 27th – 5:30-8:00pm
Where: Craftsbury Public Library, Craftsbury VT

Please join the Craftsbury Energy Committee for a light supper and community conversation about energy and climate action in Vermont. If you're interested in starting an energy committee, being a part of local or regional energy committee, or if you’re just plain interested – come lend your voice and learn how to get involved!

Grassroots energy groups across the state are working successfully to help their communities, friends and neighbors save money, save energy, be more comfortable in their homes, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions – and the movement is growing. There are now well over 100 town and city energy committees in Vermont. They are helping retrofit municipal buildings, advance modern wood heat for residences and schools, promote solar for businesses, churches, neighborhoods and much more.

This event is focused on helping to strengthen existing energy committees, re-energize some dormant committees and galvanize new groups as a powerful partner in advancing energy solutions.

The Craftsbury Energy Committee will share their experience and representatives of the Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network will highlight successful local energy committee action across the state.

Help identify opportunities for towns in N.E. Vt. and learn about the sustainability efforts in your region. A light supper will be provided, and there will be plenty of time to chat with friends and neighbors while enjoying the local meal.

To RSVP, or for more information, contact Amelia Fritz, Craftsbury Energy Committee Chair, 802-586-2887.

Hope to see you on April 27!

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