Thursday, April 21, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at Townshend Town Hall – Can you
believe Vermont actually hosts and harbors rattlesnakes? Windham Regional
Woodlands Association will present a talk by Vermont Fish and Wildlife
Department biologist and rattlesnake researcher Doug Blodgett. Doug will
discuss this reclusive, but much-maligned and misunderstood, reptile and
its unique contribution to Vermont’s native wildlife community. He will
share information on the life history of this Vermont native animal at the
very northern end of its range in the continental United States. Doug will
reveal some interesting results of his research on this endangered species,
and discuss the tough challenges it faces.
During his 34-year career as wildlife biologist with the Vermont Fish and
wildlife Department, Doug has worked as the Vermont Wild Turkey Project
Team Leader from 1990 to 2010. He has also assisted on the black bear,
deer, moose, fur-bearer, and peregrine falcon research projects. Doug has
served as the Department’s investigator on the dozens of Vermont mountain
lion sightings received annually from the public. Most recently, Doug’s
professional interest has focused on reptiles and, specifically, on rare
snake research in Vermont.
DIRECTIONS: 2006 VT Route 30 in Townshend Village. The Town Hall is the
yellow, four-columned building about 75 yards south of the Leland & Gray
High School.
Feb 23, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
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