Hi neighbors -- This is Stephen Wright, Randolph's Green Up Day coordinator, reaching out to you about Green Up Day. On May 7th, we’ll gather as a community to pick up roadside trash in Randolph. Bags can be picked up at the Town Hall, Floyd's Store in Randolph Center, and the East Randolph store. I will also hand out bags at the Gazebo from 9 to noon on Green Up Day morning. Filled bags can be left by the roadside for pickup.
Last year, 21,000 volunteers collected more than 40,000 bags of trash statewide. This year, we hope to have more volunteers than ever!
Something new for Green Up Vermont is on the charitable section of the Vermont State income tax form IN-111 in section 6. Please consider supporting Green Up Vermont through a donation on your state tax form. Because Green Up Vermont is a non-profit organization, programs like Green Up Day are only possible with public contributions. I’ll be in touch soon with more information about this year’s Green Up Day and how we in (insert location name) can participate. To learn more, visit www.greenupvermont.org. Thank you!