The Play in the Wild! Artistry of Peace Revolutions Retreat (July 5th to 14th) offers a rare opportunity for youth ages 13 to 17 to explore their own creative expression of peace with a community of peers from all around the world. Participants will play with a diversity of arts, from theatrical arts like improv and storytelling; to various forms of poetry; dance; music, including drumming and song; farm-to-table meal preparation and cooking; and visual arts like bookmaking and painting; all within the framework of Mindfulness and powerful activist and peacekeeping skills drawn from the lineage of Nonviolent Direct Action.
Here's a video of the youth from the 2011 Artistry of Peace sharing an original song they wrote: and here's a view into the 2012 Artistry of Peace in Australia: .
To learn more or to sign-up, visit:
For all programs, we offer discounted tuition for local families and homeschoolers - contact us by email or phone (802-644-2488) for details.