Peacham P.T.F. Mud & Muck Auction Saturday!

Past event
Apr 2, 2016, 1 to 4 PM

The 23rd Annual Peacham School P.T.F. MUD & MUCK Auction is happening this Saturday, April 2nd, from 1-4pm at the Peacham Town Hall Gym (above the post office). Please join us for some exciting silent and live bidding and refreshments - all while supporting a great cause! The auction supports the school's annual ski an swim programs, allows us to purchase instruments for students and helps pay for artists in residence. We are still accepting donations of gently used items at the school, on Friday from 6-9pm at the Town Hall or Saturday morning from 9-noon. For more info., please reply to this posting or call the school at 592-3513.

Jennifer Burchell, Co-Chair
Peacham School Parent Teacher Friends Group

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