Poetry Book Discussion for Vermont 2013 - Sept. 30

Past event
Sep 30, 2013, 6 to 8:30 PM

Brownell Library 6 Lincoln Street Essex Junction, Vt 05452

BURLINGTON POET RALPH CULVER TO LEAD POTLUCK DISCUSSION OF POETRY 180 On Monday September 30th from 6 to 8:30pm Burlington poet Ralph Culver will lead an - Intergenerational Discussion of the poetry anthology Poetry 180: A Turning Back To Poetry selected by Billy Collins, United States Poet Laureate, 2001-2003 at the Brownell Library in Essex Junction. This book is the Vermont Reads 2013 chosen title . It is inspired by Collin's poem-a-day program with the Library of Congress. This 180 collection features some of the most exciting poets at work today, representing the richness and diversity of the form and is designed to beckon readers, with poems impossible not to love at 1st glance. This program is sponsored by the Vt. Humanities Council.

Brownell Library asks that attendees bring a potluck dish to share. It doesn’t have to be homemade. The library will provide tableware, decaf and water. Copies of the book available at both Circulation Desks, the Peoples United Bank on Susie Wilson Road and the Northfield Savings Bank.

“We feel especially fortunate to have Ralph Culver,a published Burlington poet, lead the Vermont Reads 2013 discussion with us. He may make poetry central to our lives here in Essex Junction,” says Penny Pillsbury Library Director. Culver has most recently won the first Vermont Poetry Broadside contest with his poem Chickadee Chaps & Broads’ . Also his poem, “Signed Self Portrait: February,” selected by Vermont Poet Laureate, Sydney Lea, has become a beautiful letterpress broadside.

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