Natural Communities Forum - Come Hear Report!

Past event
Apr 4, 2016

When: Monday, April 4th, 7:00pm

Where: Plainfield Opera House

Over the course of the last year and a half, the Conservation Commission and the Planning Commission worked to help complete a town-wide inventory of Plainfield's significant natural communities - those places where particular combinations of soil conditions, water, elevation, slope, animals and plants comprise a special and interdependent natural "community".

The bulk of the research and all the field work was done by biologist Brett Engstrom.

A municipal planning grant from the Department of Housing and Community Development, plus many, MANY townspeople and many volunteers made this survey possible.

We are especially grateful to all the landowners who allowed Brett to access their land to conduct his research.

On April 4th, Brett will present his findings in a public forum, hosted by the two commissions. Everyone is encouraged to come.

Please join us at 7 pm in the Town Hall Opera House.

Light refreshments will be served.

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