Flood Resiliency Demonstration by Agency of Natural Resources

Past event
Apr 4, 2016, 7 to 8:30 PM

Informational Meeting on Flood Resiliency

Monday April 4
Bakersfield town hall

Representatives from the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources are coming with their flood resiliency model to make the hazards of flooding and ways to prevent them more visual, as well as to answer your questions.

It is educational, important and might even be fun! Some Vermont kids thought so. Copy the link and check them out:


Bakersfield adopted a new Town Plan in September 2015. The plan’s Implementation Section calls for the “updating Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances to reflect the goals and policies of the 2015 Bakersfield Town Plan.” To update the bylaw, the town applied for and received a Municipal Planning Grant from the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development. The bylaw update will incorporate goals and policies in the 2015 Bakersfield Town Plan which include:

• protection of critical natural areas
• encouragement of clustered housing,
• protection of the vitality of the designated village center
• landscaping & site design to reduce adverse impacts of new development,
• protection of river corridors, and
• flood resiliency.

Bakersfield was lucky to escape heavy damage due to Tropical Storm Irene because of its geographic location in northern Vermont. We might not be lucky during the next flood. Check out these videos about what happened, and what can be done. Copy and past the link to watch these videos:





More can be done to ensure Bakersfield’s protection from future flooding events. On April 4, we will start discussing how our bylaws, our development and our care for the land can prevent devastation in floods

Come and learn how you can help make Bakersfield less likely to suffer in a flood!

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