Fruit Tree Pruning & Grafting Fundamentals
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Walden, VT location
It’s finally here...pruning and grafting season.
Todd Parlo of Walden Heights Nursery and Orchard, will offer workshops in April to teach about pruning and grafting just in time to care for your own fruit trees. The classes are comprehensive, but also understandable for the novice. The workshop is divided into morning and afternoon sessions.
You can take both, or just one session.
Class size is limited and pre-registration is required.
Date: Saturday, April 9, 2016
Fruit Tree Pruning
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Class fee $30
Fruit tree pruning can improve overall health and appearance and can increase fruit production. This class discusses pruning tools, basic biology behind pruning fruit trees, basic cuts and how to stimulate fruit production.
Grafting Fundamentals
2 – 5 p.m.
Class fee $40, which includes each
student having at least one tree to take home
This workshop will give participants a basic understanding of how to graft a tree (primarily apple trees). Attendees will learn and practice several different grafting techniques as well as how to collect proper scions (cuttings). Scionwood from a number of different apple varieties will be available; however, anyone is welcome to bring his or her own scions to the workshop where they will get the opportunity to graft their own trees. Additional plant materials will be available to purchase for grafting more trees at home.
Pruning workshop will include some outdoor time - Dress for the weather. Snowshoes might be a good idea too.
A great deal of information will be given, so a notebook would be a good idea.
There will be some grafting supplies and tools for sale at the class, but students should bring:
• hand pruning shears (sacateurs)
• carpenters knife/sheetrock knife/box cutter (NOT the one with
breakaway blades)
• plastic grocery bag to take your tree home
• scissors
All other materials will be provided.
Workshops will be held at the orchard.
Directions and more info at
Class size is limited and pre-registration is required.
Call 802-563-3012 or email
Walden Heights Nursery & Orchard is one of a few certified organic nurseries in North America. Located in Walden, VT, they grow their own nursery stock as well as maintain an heirloom apple arboretum and educational orchard with over 400 fruit tree varieties.
Walden Heights Nursery & Orchard
120 VT Route 215
Walden, VT 05873