The Town Meeting Day Presidential Primary has set candidate allocations. Hardwick, Stannard and Walden will be holding caucuses to select delegates to the state Democratic convention on Sunday, May 22nd in Barre. That meeting will elect 11 pledged Sanders delegates to the national convention in Philadelphia in late July.
Vermont has no political party registration system, so every voter who requested a Democratic ballot in the presidential primary election is entitled to participate in her or his town’s caucus.
If you’d like to help choose your town’s delegation, please attend your caucus. If you’d be willing to serve as a delegate to the state convention, and/or if you want to be a member of the Vermont delegation at the national convention, please contact your town chair:
Hardwick (4 delegates): Wed., March 30th, 7:00 p.m., Memorial Building 2nd floor
Info: Paul Cillo, 472-6222,
Stannard (1 delegate): Sat., March 26th, 1:00 p.m., Town Hall
Info: Chip Troiano, 533-7712,
Walden (2 delegates): Mon., March 28th, 7:00 p.m., Town Clerk’s Office meeting room
Info: Roger Fox, 563-2321,