The Black River Area Community Coalition (BRACC) with support from an Okemo Community Challenge Grant and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health ServicesAdministration (SAMSHA) will host a Town Hall Meeting on Underage Drinking. Parents and community members are invited to the Ludlow Community Center on Tuesday, March 29th at 6:00p for a presentation by Steve Waldo, a retired investigator and educator for the Vermont Department of Liquor Control. Dinner will be provided beforehand at 5:30 and childcare will be provided. There will be a door prize raffle for adults who attend this free event.
Students in Grades 7 - 11 will hear a similar presentation: Refuse to Use, Teens Choices& Consequences earlier in the day. Students who come in the evening with a parent or guardian will also be eligible for raffle prizes. Please save the date, and attend this event.
For more information, call BRACC at 228-7878. Be a good role model for your child. Come and learn about preventing underage drinking.
April is Alcohol AwarenessMonth.
BRACC--promoting a healthy involved community, supporting all youth in safe environments.
Brigid Sullivan, Coordinator
Black River Area Community Coalition
Phone/fax (802) 228-7878