We are having a three family garage sale this Saturday and Sunday (28th & 29th), 9 to 5, at 4 Autumn Court (corner of Plains road and Autumn Court). We have our 2 car garage filled to overflowing with household goods of all kinds, tools, construction material (variety of tiles, soffit vents and more), infant to 8 year old ( toys, activity/development items, lots of children’s books, cloths), movies (DVD & VHS), a huge collection of CD’s, electronics (receivers, 6 disk CD changers, and more), small to medium seized women’s coats and cloths, Christmas items and much much more. Something for everyone!! Phone - 899-2147.
Mar 10, 2025, 7:30 to 9 PM
Movement for Parkinson's Winter/Spring SessionMar 11, 2025, 12 to 1:15 PM
St. George DRB Informal Meeting Agenda - March 12Mar 12, 2025, 6 PM