Yard Sale This Weekend - a Must See!

Past event
Sep 28, 2013

Sat 9/28: 9am - 4pm & Sun 9/29 9am - 3pm

Just a reminder - an amazing sale and we process credit cards! Lots of Antiques: child chairs; 2 drawer maple dresser with original mirror; oak desk; press back oak high chair; tables; chairs; stands; pineapple post twin bed frame; misc. collectables; repros; decorative pictures; TV; HP color printer; Wii system; Wii & PlayStation video games; Beyblades, Legos; Playmobil Fairies; incredible Nilo table with two trundle drawers; Thomas the Tank items; tricycle; bikes for young children; Pokémon cards; Hero Factory's; Tech Decks; books for all; child's teepee; girls butterfly quilt with shams; and MORE......Be sure to stop by while you're in town for the Harvest Festival and enjoy the beautiful weekend!

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