March 19th is the first session of the Young Writers Class at the Bixby led by local author, Kristen Johannesson! Writers age 12-19 welcome. Please join us for a relaxed writing experience on the next three Saturdays (March 19th, 26th, and April 2nd) from 12:00 – 2:00 at The Bixby Library. We will discuss creative writing in concept, skills, and within the context of sharing work with a larger public, (Sharing is OPTIONAL!) We will also look at fun, contemporary writing examples to inspire our own narratives.
Spaces are limited, and sign up is required. Please contact Rachel Plant, Youth Services Librarian, is coordinating registration by phone (802-877-2211) or email ( Writers may sign up for one, two, or all three of the sessions.
Kristen Johannesson is a resident of New Haven, VT, and an MFA candidate at Goddard College. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from UMass Amherst in Sustainable Agriculture and Alternative Education and is an avid home gardener and farmer. Her flock of poultry currently consists of more than fifty chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese of several varieties, all professionally herded by her pack of Shetland Sheepdogs. She has been involved in homeschooling and education for more than 25 years. She is also teaching the Release the Writer in You class on Wednesdays at the Bixby for adult writers.