Rejoice! Head downtown for an unforgettable Arts and Culture Campus spring outing! Celebrate that hero of the Victorian era, Sherlock Holmes Friday 5:30 pm, the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum. Don't miss Athenaeum Director Bob Joly's Sherlock Holmes reading, a Victorian-era opium pipe from the Fairbanks Museum, Sherlock Holmes film by Catamount Arts, Caledonia Spirits' tasting and sales of their award-winning spirits, free coffee and tea by Gatto Nero, scones and meat & veggie pasties for sale by Accidental Caterer, and SURPRISE! cupcakes (did you know they were invented in the Victorian era?) for sale by Peggy, local hero of reality television fame and proprietor of Peggy Bakes. Bring a friend, bring some cash, bring a smile and get out of the house before it consumes you. Double breasted jackets optional. At 6:45 pm, doors to St. Johnsbury Academy's Fuller Hall open for Aquila Theatre's staging of Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. (Tickets or at the door from $15; students free!) See you Friday!