Upcoming Events with OGE: Launch Party and 15k

Past event
Sep 28, 9 PM to 12 AM, Sep 29, 2013

Forsake Brand Launch Party
When: Saturday 28 at 9pm
Where: 37 Church St, OGE
Who: FORSAKE, A new shoe company recently launched by two college students on Kickstarter.com. Creating footwear that joins style and function. As a new company from Boston they naturally felt they should celebrate their brand's launch in Burlington.
What: Live music from Imaginary Animals, Custom art from Scottie Raymond, Bar and atmosphere by ARTSRIOT
RSVP to PARTY@FORSAKE.CO by Friday to get in FREE (Name on The List).

Mammut Stampy Stomp 15k
When: Saturday Oct 5th at 10am
Where: Catamount Outdoor Family Center
What: 15k Trail race to benefit POW, Protect Our Winters.org, and the Catamount Outdoor Family Center. OGE will be grilling the post race food and there will be awesome prizes from Mammut and Julbo.

Learn more about OGE's Upcoming Events by visiting http://gearx.com/blog/events/ or sign up to receive emails at GearX.com

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