Cider Making and More Sept. 29

Past event
Sep 29, 2013, 11:30 AM to 3 PM

Sunday September 29th! Alan Held will be pressing apples - viola` CIDER!! He has arranged for Tinmouth school kids to go to Windswept Farm to gather apples on Friday. The apples will be pressed to make cider in front of the Old Creamery (next to the Town Office). This cider is free, please bring a container. Alan will be pressing apples from 11:30 - 3:00 PM. You may help if you wish!!

There will also be a Silent Auction that will be benefit the Historical Society's effort to restore the Old Creamery - a complete hard cider/wine making and bottling setup. This setup will make cases and cases of bottled cider or wine.

The Energy Committee, in conjunction with the Vermont Energy Challenge(a challenge where the town which does the highest percentage of weatherization gets a $10,000 award!), will have Martin Smith from the H.E.A.T. Squad (and Tinmouth) set up a table to give anyone interested information to help decide if a little money invested this winter in energy conservation will bring permanent dividends in the future.

The Fire Department may display some of their really awesome fire trucks and some really neat equipment, like heat sensing tools, the latest smoke protection gear. This is an opportunity for children of ALL ages to sit in, or climb up on a real fire truck.

You may even spot someone walking around the Center on stilts!!

All are welcome, stop and visit with your neighbors.

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