Bid by email to Julianne by 8:00 pm, Saturday, 3-5-16. Remember we are trying to raise more money than the minimum bid--so help us support this No-Kill Kingdom Animal Shelter in our community. Items were donated by business owners in the St Johnsbury area.
3 gift certificates--AquaRealm Aquarium & Pets value: $10.00 each
1 gift certificate - Diamond Hill -value: $25.00
2 Basic Spirit Magnet Sets, fine pewter- adorable cats from Moose River- minimum bid each: $12.00- Valued at $18.00 each set.
1 Smartwool hat from Podo Shoes valued at $40.00-- Minimum bid: $32.00
1 Smartwool glove set from Podo Shoes valued at $30.00 --Minimum bid: $24.00
2 gift certificates from Windy Ridge Kennel valued at $25.00 each
1 IWorld Sound Box Wireless Speaker bluetooth minimum bid: $14.00
Please email me with your bid or if you would like a photo of the above items no later than Saturday, March 5, 2016.
If you place a bid I will need to phone you when the item comes up (around 4:00pm, 3/6/16, so please include your phone #
The money raised is going to the "Chucky Fund" at Kingdom Animal Shelter to provide funds for emergency medical and further testing of sick kitties. Thank you!
Please email me from photo of above items