Brandon Artist Guild's 2016 Fundraiser

Past event
Mar 20, 2016, 12 AM to 3:30 PM

Hello everyone, The Brandon Artist Guild/GAllery will be holding a fundraiser this year, teaching different classes for adults and children. The cost of each class, is $45 and goes to all the 9 school Art departments that we yearly support. Plus we give a graduate of OVHS pursuing the Arts a $1,000 scholarship each year. We are hoping that we will receive Sponsors, either business or individuals to cover the expense for supplies. All Art department teachers are on board to teach children's classes starting in May, cost of those classes has not been established as of this date, probably $25.. ALL classes will be held on a Sunday afternoon from1-3:30pm at our rented meeting room, in the Granary building on Union St. nd students will go home with a completed piece and related art supplies. Interested? First class is March 20 painting a 9x12 folk art scene on canvas . If youare interested you can register at the Gallery with a credit card. at 247-4956 or any questions please call Dolores Furnari at 247-3695

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