OLLI Presentation

Past event
Mar 2, 2016

''The Brain: How Does it Work Anyhow?" That's the topic for this week's Osher talk. Dr. Robert Hamill, a neurologist and retired chair of the Neurology Department of UVM's College of Medicine will discuss new directions in brain research and how our ideas of the brain's workings have changed over time. Come join us to learn about the brain and to have a chance to ask questions of Dr. Hamill.

What: The Brain: How Does it Work Anyhow?
When: Wednesday, March 2, 1:30-2:45
Where: Montpelier Senior Activity Center
Cost: Free to OLLI members, others $5 suggested donation
Doors open at 12:30 for those wishing to bring a bag lunch. Refreshments offered after the talk.
For more information, email me, call 454-1234, or go to learn.uvm.edu/osher

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