Articles to Be Voted on at Martin Memorial Hall

Past event
Mar 1, 2016, 10 AM to 7 PM

Voting by Australian ballot:

Article 6: To elect all Town officers as required by law.
Moderator - One Year
Select Person – Three Years
Select Person - Two Years
Lister – Three Years
Trustee of Public Funds - Three Years
Town Agent - One Year
Town Grand Juror - One Year
Cemetery Commissioner - Five Years
Library Trustee - Three Years
Library Trustee - Five Years (with two years remaining)
Library Trustee - Five Years (with three years remaining)

Article 7: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure of $1,276,135 for the support and operation of the Town’s General Fund? $916,560 shall be raised by property taxation, allowing the Select Board to set the appropriate tax rate.

Article 8: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure of $995,103 for the
support and operation of the Town’s Highway Fund? $803,873 shall be raised by property taxation, allowing the Select Board to set the appropriate tax rate.

Article 9: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure of $273,181 for the
support and operation of the Town’s Solid Waste Management Facility? These monies shall be raised by non-tax revenues.

Article 10: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select Board to borrow in the current fiscal year (FY2016) funds not to exceed $55,000 for a period not to exceed three years for the purpose of financing two projects already completed in the current fiscal year (FY2016): replacing the heating system in the Town Highway Garage and providing a water source for an adjacent property whose well was contaminated with salt? The first of three payments on the loan will be due in the coming fiscal year (FY2017).

Article 11: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select Board to borrow funds not to exceed $34,000 for a period not to exceed three years for the purpose of purchasing a police cruiser? The cost of the cruiser will not exceed $39,000. The new cruiser will replace a 2010 Ford F-150 police cruiser with over 105,000 miles on it. The balance of the funds needed to purchase the cruiser will come from the sale or trade-in of the Ford F-150.

Article 12: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select Board to borrow funds not to exceed $229,000 for a period not to exceed five years for the purpose of purchasing a fire truck to replace West Weathersfield Fire Department Engine No. 3? The cost of the fire truck will not exceed $395,000. The balance of the funds needed to purchase the truck will come from the sale or trade-in of Engine No. 3, contributions from the West Weathersfield Fire Department, and no more than $146,000 from the Town’s Fire Apparatus Acquisition Reserve Fund.

Article 13: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $22,000, to be deposited into the Highway Equipment Acquisition Reserve Fund? [Not in Budget]

Article 14: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $15,000, to be deposited into the Town Highways Capital Maintenance and Improvements Reserve Fund? [Not in Budget]

Article 15: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $5,000, to be deposited into the Police Cruiser Purchase Reserve Fund? [Not in Budget]

Article 16: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $15,000, to be deposited into the Fire Apparatus Acquisition Reserve Fund? [Not in Budget]

Article 17: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $7,000, to be deposited into the Firefighting Equipment and Gear Reserve Fund? [Not in Budget]

Article 18: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $15,000 to be deposited into the Weathersfield-Proctor Library Capital Improvements Reserve Fund? [Not in Budget]

Article 19: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $200 to support the activities of the American Red Cross? [Not in Budget]

Article 20: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $400 to support the activities of Senior Solutions Council on Aging for Southeastern Vermont? [Not in Budget]

Article 21: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $400 to support the activities of the HIV/HCV Resource Center? [Not in Budget]

Article 22: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $400 to support the activities of Meals on Wheels? [Not in Budget]

Article 23: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $400 to support the activities of the Mount Ascutney Prevention Partnership [MAPP]? [Not in Budget]

Article 24: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $360 to support the activities of the Volunteers in Action? [Not in Budget]

Article 25: Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $400 to support the activities of the WISE? [Not in Budget]

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