Owls Coming to the Varnum

Past event
Feb 25, 2016, 1 to 2 PM

The first showing will be at 1:00 p.m. and the second at 2:15 p.m.

The Varnum Memorial Library in Jeffersonville is hosting Raptors of the Night Shift, the elegant Owl program from the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum on Thursday, February 25. We are presenting the owl program twice in one day due to a very strong response to our bird program last year. The first showing will be at 1:00 p.m. and the second at 2:15 p.m.
The Southern Vermont Natural History Museum outreach program brings wild animals in public spaces to increase appreciation and respect for them. They feel strongly about using live animals as a way to encourage people to get outside and look for them in the wild. If people learn about the amazing and beautiful nature of Vermont from a computer or television they are missing out on the REAL experience. It is those real experiences that make a difference in how someone feels, thinks and acts.
Raptors are elegant winged hunters that help keep nature in balance. The birds coming to the Library cannot be returned to the wild because their injuries have made them unable to be successful in the wild. The owls have been acclimated to humans and are referred to as animal educators.
Our presenter Michael Clough grew up in a Vermont hunting and fishing family and has always had an interest in wildlife. Michael believes that respect for animals and the land are the cornerstones of his upbringing. He has worked with raptors since 1995, as well as reptiles, small animals, wolves and arachnids. In addition to bringing the owls to the Library, he will share information, present slides and provide opportunities for questions and answers.
This program is free and the public is invited. For additional information, call the Varnum Memorial Library at 644-2117; www.thevarnum.org;

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