Visit Green Candle Theatre Oct. 2-5 & 9-12

Past event
Oct 2, 8 PM to 12 AM, Oct 5, 2013

Goldberg & Campbell
Sacred + Profane

OCTOBER 2-5 and 9-12, 2013!
At the Off Center for the Dramatic Arts
Two original plays by two Burlington playwrights...

Stephen Goldberg's Don and Tom
A dark comedy starring
Alex Dostie, Aaron Masi, Genevra MacPhail,
Ben Ash, and Tracey Girdich

Directed by Stephen Goldberg

What is innocence, what is guilt? What is the price to be payed to an unforgiving society, men accused of crimes of passion. You the audience are the jury and judge. How for giving can we be?


Maura Campbell's Cleaning Day
A melodrama starring
Tracey Girdich and Genevra MacPhail

Directed by Maura Campbell

Jenny Greene is a single mother who cleans up after suicides. She arrives at the home of Iona whose terminally ill husband had committed suicide the day before. She is still in shock but makes the best of this strange experience by offering Jenny her hospitality. As Jenny works her way through the house and the day, she discovers that the story Iona told the police may not be the whole truth, and that in fact they share much more than the tragedy that has brought them together.

Two shows for the price of one! $10.00

Tickets ON SALE NOW at

Now seeking ushers for every show! See the show for FREE in exchange! email Dawn at to sign-up or for more details!

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