Karen Kitzmiller Memorial Coat Drive

Past event
Oct 25, 12 PM to 3 PM, Oct 26, 2013

I am seeking (begging, pleading . . . ) for volunteers to help me organize the annual free winter coat drive that Karen started back in 1990. It is a terrific event! I need people to help on Friday, October 25 to sort coats, mittens, boots, hats, quilts, comforters, etc . . . . at City Hall in the afternoon.

Then, I need folks to help people "shop" for coats on Saturday, October 26, from around 9am to 3pm.

Most volunteers sign up for a 2-hour slot, but many stay even longer! It is an easy job, and very rewarding to be able to help our neighbors in need. If you can spare a couple of hours, PLEASE call Theresa Giffin at 229-4625. Thank you very, very much!

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