Preview of City Council Meeting Feb. 16

Past event
Feb 16, 2016


In observance of Presidents Day, the City Council will hold the second of two meetings for the month of February on Tuesday, February 16.

The evening will begin at 6:00 with an event celebrating the improvements to Contois Auditorium in honor of the City's 150th birthday. The community has been invited to attend.

The City Council meeting will begin at 7:00 with a brief Local Control Commission meeting and Board of Civil Authority meeting. Next we will move to our regular meeting. The first item on the agenda is resolution sponsored by the full Council relating to the improvements to Contois. We will then have a presentation from Beth Anderson, the newly hired Chief Innovation Officer, on information technology and network security activities. We will also have a presentation from Ms. Anderson on permit reform efforts.

We have two indoor entertainment permits and one outdoor entertainment permit on our deliberative agenda. We have two resolutions on our agenda: one regarding the agreement for acquiring 121 acres of land on the former Burlington College land and the other on drone enforcement. We will also be voting on the proposed revisions to the Vehicles for Hire ordinance.

We are then expected to to into Executive Session to receive an update on the status of the proposed New Moran redevelopment.

As with all City Council meetings, we will hold public forum at 7:30 when members of the public are invited to speak on any matter.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Chip Mason

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