Special Town Meeting
Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 6:30 p.m.
Willey Building Meeting Room
Validation of Town Meeting, March 1, 2016
The purpose of this Special Town Meeting is to vote on the following Article:
Art. 1 To validate the action taken at Town Meeting despite the error in Town Meeting Warning. Shall the action taken at the meeting of this Town held on March 1, 2016 in spite of the fact that Article 3 (“To elect a School Board Member for a term of two years. [Australian Ballot]”) and Article 4 (“To elect a School Board Member for a term of three years. [Australian Ballot]”) were included on the School District Annual Meeting Warning and should not have been included on the Town Annual Meeting Warning, and any act or action of the municipal officers or agents pursuant thereto be readopted, ratified and confirmed.”
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Ritter
Cabot Town Clerk
Mar 1, 2025, 9 to 10 AM
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