5:30 Thursday
Come celebrate the communist/socialist take over with us! ( go Bernie )
Yes, A free (dough nations encouraged ) dinner and
the chance to take part in your local poly-ticks ( we promise no Lyme disease)
This months Fare is .......... Commie Food! ( to welcome in the new lunar/Chinese new year)
Mushroom Chive Dumplings ( Hand rolled)
Stuffed Tofu Puffs with Chili Garlic Sauce (GF)
Garlic Chinese Broccoli with Black Bean Sauce (GF)
"Pork" Fried Rice (GF option)
Almond Cupcakes Stuffed with Red Bean Paste (GF option)
Any idea how hard it is smuggling in true "RED" bean paste?
You bet we do but especially the farmers! (you know how much of our food comes from local farms? ) We'll see you there! 5:30 at the McClure Multi generational Centre on north Winooski ps please dont tell the other NPA's about our awesome spread , there are too many people coming for dinner as it is!
p.s we were asked to add the agenda for the NPA to our posting .
Facilitators: Fauna Hurley and Ryan McLaren
6:30 p.m. Welcome & Introductions
6:35 Public Comment Opportunity for residents to share comments on any topic and for
6:45 North Avenue Pilot Task Force Report Andrea Todd, Ward 3 Delegate
6:55 Burlington Walk Bike Master Plan Tony Redington, AARP Co-Member of the Plan Technical Commitee
7:00 North Avenue Pilot Town Meeting Non-Binding Ballot Question
Jason van Driesche speaking against and a resident speaking “for”
7:20 City Market officials outline City Market South End development
7:35 Burlington's Climate Action Plan CEDO's Jennifer Green update on Plan and how the Plan
connects to the results of the recent Paris “COP-21” session
7:55 Public Officials Reports Opportunity to hear reports from our elected and appointed
officials, ask direct questions, raise concerns and advise. City Councilors, School
Commissioners, State Representatives, and City boards/commissions appointees
8:30 Adjourn