Central VT SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) Meeting Feb. 14

Past event
Feb 14, 2016, 2:30 to 5:30 PM

Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ) open meeting
February 14th

SURJ or Showing Up For Racial Justice is a national network of groups and individuals organizing primarily white people for racial justice. Here in Central Vermont, we are following the lead of some other more rural SURJchapters and opening up our chapter to whoever feels moved to show up—white folks, folks of color, mixed folks, etc. We know that what works for folks in more urban, racially diverse parts of the U.S. is different than what will work best here, and we are ready to take risks, make mistakes and try new things out. We are excited about using some of the framework of SURJ and also developing our own framework that works best for our unique political landscape here in Vermont.

We are excited to work with all folks who live in rural areas or towns in Central Vermont who want to take action around the racism and white supremacy in our own backyards while supporting national racial justice organizing efforts. Please come with your an open mind and an open heart and bring your interested friends, family, coworkers and neighbors! The meeting will be followed by a time to socialize and break bread with each other—please bring some food or drink to share.

For more information contact Rachel Leaf

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