Good day everyone. Our next NAC task force meeting is Tuesday on Feb 9th from 6PM to 8PM at the Miller Center. Please come join us. Below is the agenda.
1. Review statement from the City about the North Avenue ballot item
2. Review the Task Force talking points
3. Review the DPW Memo on preliminary survey questions and bring suggested changes
Meeting Goals:
1. Discuss City Council decision re: ballot
2. Determine how/if the Task Force can inform neighbors about the ballot; and,
3. Agree on activities between now and March meeting.
Housekeeping Items (5 minutes):
· NATF Member and public introductions;
· Review and approve tonight’s agenda;
· Review and approve notes from January 12 meeting;
Public Comment Period (10 minutes)
Councilor Comments (as needed)
Discussion about the revised ballot language and the Task Force’s role (30 minutes)
• Packet: Guidance for the Task Force from the City Attorney’s Office
• City Council decision overview: What was actually discussed? Democratic process and the right to access the ballot. Will this impact the pilot project? Not directly. What will a majority “yes” vote mean? Information for the City and Council to consider, supplemental to the pilot project.
Update and Discussion of DPW Implementation Plans (15 minutes)
• Schedule for design and selection of contractors
• Public outreach plans
• Measuring public input
Discussion about Public Input (30 minutes)
• Update on Measuring Public Input
• Packet: DPW memo on Before/After survey questions
o Include separate questions about different pieces of the project?
CCRPC Technical Updates (15 minutes)
• Corrections to Local Motion’s crash data
Discuss Task Force talking points for community meetings about the pilot (10 min)
• Packet: draft presentation and talking points for Task Force members
Update “To-Do” List (5 minutes)
Feb 25, 2025, 1 to 2:30 PM
Contra Dance in BurlingtonFeb 28, 2025, 6:45 to 10 PM
Adventure Dinner Fancy Pants Supper Club: Yacht RockMar 1, 2025, 6 to 9 PM