The United Church of Underhill’s 39th annual Old Fashioned Harvest Market will be held on Saturday, September 28 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Sunday, September 29 from 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM, with a fun worship service on Sunday from 9:30-10AM. This event is centered at the United Church of Underhill, located at the intersection of Route 15 and Park Street in Underhill.
The annual 5K fun run and walk will begin at 8:00AM on Saturday at Mills Riverside Park, with registration starting at 7:30 at the pavilion just past the entrance.
The official start of Harvest Market, the opening parade, will begin promptly at 9:00AM from Browns River Middle School, down River Road, turning left onto Park Street and ending at the park. Lineup for the parade begins at 8:40 at BRMS.
Our indoor and outdoor vendor space is completely sold out again this year, meaning that there will be over 100 artisans, antiques dealers, food purveyors, nonprofits, and other vendors for you to visit. The Clutter Barn is also overflowing with the usual wide assortment of books, clothing, sports equipment, toys, puzzles, housewares, small appliances, and so much more! Be sure to check out the silent auction as well!
A wide variety of food, including hand-cut French fries, freshly-pressed cider, hot soup, chili, baked beans, corn on the cob, baked potatoes, real maple cotton candy, burgers, hot dogs, pizza, lemonade, pies, fresh cookies and more will be available all day on both Saturday and Sunday, as will live music, old fashioned kids’ games, and much more!
A map, entertainment and events calendar, and vendor listing is available at The website also lists parking options.
As always, admission to Harvest Market is free. However, we encourage you to bring a canned or boxed nonperishable item (vegetables, fruit, tuna, pasta, or cereal) for the Essex-Jericho-Underhill Ecumenical Food Shelf.
Hope to see you at Harvest Market!
Mar 8, 2025, 9 AM to 4 PM
Sundays at Ascension Lutheran ChurchMar 9, 2025, 9 to 11:30 AM
Mah-JonggMar 13, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM