Meeting with Maida Feb. 6

Past event
Feb 6, 2016

Saturday morning, I will be at "my table," at the back of the booths by the front windows, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. If you would like to talk about legislative issues, or certainly any issue of concern to you, please come by. Also, as always, please feel welcome to contact me by email, or phone, or on the street.

[Not yet registered to vote in South Burlington? March 1 is the date for voting on City issues/positions as well as the presidential primary... but Wednesday, February 24 (by 5:00 p.m.) is the deadline for registering to vote. You can register to vote at the City Clerk's Office (Dorset Street) or on-line at the Secretary of State's web site. Easy as ABC.]

Maida F. Townsend
State Representative
Chittenden 7-4

232 Patchen Road

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