Craft Night and More! Solomon Wright Public Library Oct. 1

Past event
Oct 1, 2013

Starting Tuesday night, Oct 1, the library will host Craft night again. Come and enjoy evenings of exchanging ideas, techniques, and tips for future use. All hand-crafters are welcome: embroidery, needlepoint, crocheting, knitting, etc. Bring along your beverage and project and enjoy our comfy chairs and good company of Pownal "neighbors". For further information call the library at 823-5400 or Mundi Smithers at 823-5855. (7 pm.)


Book Club read for discussion on second Thursday of the month (October 10th): Joyce Maynard-"Labor Day".
Come and join us and help us plan our reading for the next several months. Bring your beverage and enjoy our informal yet fun discussions of books and authors, etc.(Valley Book Club, 7 pm.)


BOOKSALE at the Solomon Wright Public Library: November 2, 2013 10 am to 4:30.
Donations of clean and undamaged hardback/ paperback format along with media (CD/DVD) are accepted during regular scheduled hours at the library. (No old textbooks or abridged items please). Volunteers will be needed the last week of October for sorting and setting up tables. Contact the library if you would be willing to work a couple hours in an evening or on a weekend day.

November 16, Saturday afternoon Family program and T-shirt art for kids "BATS" More information to follow


Thanks to all those who have donated books for our sale already! It looks like we will have good selections again this year with door prizes.


Don't forget the library has information on the databases (full text articles from newspapers, magazines,radio broadcasts,etc) that you can access at home. These databases are geared toward all ages and include homework help, legal forms and law reviews,10 languages & lessons, business periodicals, Chilton's car info, full text newspaper resources, science information, biographies and popular magazines!!!! And don't forget the genealogy database for census and more! Your library pays a yearly fee for your FREE access ---please take advantage of this opportunity.


In addition, Pownal residents can choose from over 500 classes to take for FREE that will help them with school, job, or hobbies! All you need is your library card bar-code to set up your account. Universal Class has already proven itself helpful to quite a few of our library patrons. You can review subject matter, the teachers are live,and you can take up to 5 courses at a time with 6 months to finish each one---- 24/7 access, connect with other students if you wish, continuing education units on selected courses.

Library: 823-5400
Online catalog:
(Library name: PownalVT)
WI-Fi at 97 Main

Enjoy your fall,

Linda Hall

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