Girls on the Run GOTR (grades 3-5) and Heart & Sole (new name this year used to be Girls on Track) (grades 6-8) is
a program which has been built to inspire young girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-
based curriculum which creatively integrates running. It teaches life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and
running games. The program ends with the girls being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory
5k run/walk event.
Danville will be hosting two teams’ grades 3-5 and grades 6-8, the maximum number of girls on each team would be
15. (30 in total). We will be hosting an open registration at Danville School on February 9th at 5pm where you can
meet the coaches and register.
The Girls on the Run program for the grades 3-5 will run for 10 weeks on Mondays & Wednesdays from 3:30 pm-
5:00 pm and will begin March 14th and run through June 1st.
The Heart & Sole Program for Grades 6 through 8 will be held on Mondays and Thursdays and will begin March
14th and run through June 1st from 3:00 pm-4:30pm.
Both Teams will run on May 28th in Central VT – At the Rutland Fairgrounds.
The registration fee for this program is normally $130, but we have been able to cut this cost in half with the subsidy
from GOTRVT and all our local fundraising the cost is now $65.00 per girl. We will be holding a Bottle Drive & Bake Sale Fundraiser on February 13th at the Danville Health Center.
If you know of a girl that would benefit from this program, please feel free to share this information or contact
us directly.
Girls on the Run (3-5 grades) Coach Jo @ or
Heart & Sole (6-8 grades) Coach Vanessa @