Babysitter Mingler at UVM

Past event
Feb 7, 2016, 10:30 AM to 12 PM

Do you struggle to find a babysitter when you need one? Are you looking for a sitter who has a flexible schedule and lives close by?

Come to the UVM Babysitter Mingler, a chance for kids and their families in need of babysitters to meet and mingle with UVM students who want to babysit!

Babysitter Mingler
UVM Davis Center, 4th floor
590 Main Street
Sunday, Feb. 7
10:30 am - 12:00 noon

Families and UVM students can register at:

Children welcomed and encouraged to attend - and please tell all your friends!

To register as a babysitter, you must be a current UVM student - this is an employment event for the university's students. (Note: UVM students arrive at 10:00 am for instructions; families arrive at 10:30 am)

If you're not able to make it to the Babysitter Mingler this semester, we hope to see you next time!

Want to be notified when registration is available for the next Babysitter Mingler? Sign up here:!

PLEASE NOTE: As UVM affiliates, we cannot take on the role of holding, exchanging, or advertising the particular babysitting needs of parents in the community, or the particular babysitting availability and/or qualifications of our students. We can host Babysitter Minglers where we bring students and parents together so that they can meet face-to-face and exchange information if they so choose. We do recommend that parents check references of the students who attended the Babysitter Mingler and use whatever screening process they would normally use when hiring a sitter.

We hope to see you there,

Gail Shampnois
John Mejia
Emily Howe
UVM Office of Student & Community Relations

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