Food Revolutions Series at South Burlington Community Library Oct. 1

Past event
Oct 1, 2013, 5 to 6:30 PM

What is Sustainable Agriculture and Why are People Talking About It?

Many of us who are fortunate enough to live in North America give little thought to the food we eat. We simply plan our menus and go to the grocery to buy what is needed. It's shocking to hear facts such as "48% of the children in India are stunted from hunger" or "Almost one third of large families in all countries surveyed have foodless days." What are our plans for the future? In the US will we always be able to eat as well as we do now? Why are many universities like UVM developing new graduate programs in Food Systems? Why do we need to begin thinking about food and how it comes to our plates? Come to the library on October 1st to see a 12 minute video on food system solutions and to discuss the new ways we might begin to plan for continuing to have good food in Vermont in the near and distant future. Light snacks provided by Health Living and the Bread and Butter Farm. October 1st at 5:00 p.m. at the South Burlington Community Library at 540 Dorset Street. Call 652-7080 for more information.

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