Please vote tomorrow January 19th; polls will be open from 7 am to 7 pm at the municipal offices. I urge you to get out and vote.
The Morristown and Elmore School Boards have worked diligently researching the proposed merger and would appreciate the communities’ support in bringing it to fruition.
Elmore voters have overwhelmingly shown us through their recent revote, that they support the proposed merger. It is time for the Morristown voters to decide as well.
Please remember:
• There will be no tax impact for Morristown.
• We will keep programs and enrollment stable at MES, PAML and Peoples Academy
• Morristown voters decide who we would like to work with by solidifying our decade long collaboration with Elmore.
• Morristown continues to be fiscally responsible to the local taxpayers.
• Our schools will keep their names.
• We are establishing a basis for ACT 46 compliance.
If you need additional information please contact a board member or visit the EMUU website: . Thank you.
Stephanie Craig
Morristown School District Board Chair
EMUU Boad Co-Chair