This coming Tuesday at 6:30 pm, the Walden School Board will meet to discuss our proposed 2017 budget. This budget has not been approved by the Board, so it is important that parents and community members attend and participate.
Walden has historically been one of the lowest education spending towns in the state. However, this year we are facing a significant increase in our budget largely due to increases in special education spending, legislative spending mandates and capital expenditures.
Compounding the problem of increased spending is Act 46, which changes education funding, spending, and governance. It was signed into law last May and has since been at the center of much controversy. Within it is a cost containment provision, the Allowable Growth Percentage (AGP), that seeks to restrict state-wide school spending. In practice, it is penalizing low-spending districts like ours, while encouraging high-spending districts to spend more. AGP undermines the stated purpose of Act 46 which is consolidation and improvement of educational opportunities for Vermont’s children.
Under the AGP provision, Walden’s proposed budget would trigger a tax rate increase of over 40%. To avoid the penalty, we would have to cut almost $365,000 out of our already spare $2.7 million budget. Cuts of this magnitude would devastate our school, and similar scenarios are playing out in over 100 districts throughout Vermont.
We are free to discuss how much we spend and how much is too much (or too little), but we shouldn’t have these debates under the threat of a massive tax penalty.
On Friday, Representative Chip Troiano introduced an amendment to repeal AGP. Representative Kitty Toll of Danville and others from around the State have signed on, and action is scheduled for this Tuesday. The Governor, and many Legislators support repeal. It is important that AGP is repealed so that school boards can move forward with budgeting and consolidation efforts without the threat of a huge tax penalty.
Please take the time to call or email Speaker of the House, Shap Smith and ask him to push for repeal of the ill-considered AGP provision of Act 46. Let him know that it is unfair for a low spending town like Walden to be penalized when we spend far less than most schools in the state.
Calling the Sargent at Arms (828-2228) and asking to leave a message for Speaker Smith (or any other legislator) is an easy and effective way to voice your concerns.
Let’s work together as a community to discuss our school and school budgets in a positive environment. Please join us Tuesday night at 6:30 at the Walden School.
Sincerely, Ray Lewis Chair Walden School Board